What a year !

The summer break is always a good time to step back and take stock of the past year. And we’ve come a long way! Since the summer of 2022, when we raised our first funds :
- The team has expanded with the recruitment of 6 new talents: Filippo, Mahitab, Ons, Juliette, Grégory and Lila
- Commune selected as one of Europe’s “100 hottest startups” by Wired
- We took up the cause of single-parent families with the public authorities, meeting the Prime Minister, the Minister for Housing, MP Marie-Pierre Rixain and a large number of local elected representatives.
- Commune has raised awareness of the many issues surrounding single parenthood in nearly a hundred media outlets, including The New York Times, Les Echos, Le Parisien, France Info and many others.
- We have received a large number of pre-applications from single parents who have been won over by our solution. Thank you to these mums and dads for putting your trust in us!
- We have entered into a partnership with the multi-award-winning architecture and design studio Cutwork to create the Communes (come back in September to see the results!).
- Last but not least, we have launched work in our first two Communes to welcome the first families in December 2023.
None of this would have been possible without our first investors, who believed in us and our vision, and without the hard work of our team – whose talent and unfailing commitment carry Commune forward every day.